与“ 陆剑明 ”相关的影片

  • 尸前想后

    不相识的GI GI 和雯雯,参加了同一个泰国旅行团旅游散心。二人虽首次出门,却爱充作识途老马,时有离对行径。一次,二人终被遗留在荒


  • 正牌韦小宝之奉旨沟女



  • 少林英雄榜

    A SLICE OF DEATH / ABBOT OF SHAOLIN (1979) is another Shaw Bros. kung fu film with a Shaolin Temple theme. David Chiang stars as the monk Chi San, who survives the burning of Shaolin Temple and travels south to Kwangtung to raise money to re-build the temple as forces loyal to the Ching Emperor follow in close pursuit. He meets a merchant in Kwangtung who becomes his patron and he develops a group of followers, including Hung Si Kwan, a familiar character from Shaolin lore. There are lots of good fight scenes and a well-written script with interesting encounters between the varied characters.


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